A Short Guide on How to Make Payments Online

In the past, people paid their bills by means of cash or checks. They would write checks, place them in an envelope, stick a stamp, then have them processed, which could take until a week. Nowadays, a lot of people pay their bills online. Though there are several ways to do this, one convenient way […]

Video: Rent Merchant – Payment Preferences Setup

Paying your bills online – What are the advantages?

Let us look into the main benefits of paying the bills online: Easy Using online bill pay allows you to save on time. Instead of writing out checks, gluing stamps and keeping a file of papers, setting up an online account can get rid of these steps. It will also be much easier and faster […]

Reasons to Use Online Bill Payment

In the past, people were not comfortable about paying their bills online. Majority of them felt it was not secure to transact on the web and thought that their money was put at risk when using the online bill payment system.  Every time you give your checking account information to your utilities provider and insurance […]

How to Encourage Your Tenants to Pay the Rent Online

Landlords continue to search for efficient ways to manage rent payment collections. The traditional way of collecting rent from tenants who pay in the form of a check may still be comfortable for some property owners, but this could also bring about some problems. Checks can get misplaced or lost on their way to you, […]

Tips on How to Collect Rent and Get Paid On Time

Implement your policy on collecting rent To make sure tenants pay regularly and on time, the best practice is to make your rent collection policies firm and consistent. However, there are some exceptions. In your contract of lease, you should include all payment related issues such as the following: Exact due amount per month Where […]

Why online bill payments are becoming more and more popular

Perhaps one of the best advantages of online bill payments is eliminating the use of paper. Banks and service providers usually ask their customers whether they would rather receive billing statements and reminders via email. Nowadays, almost all bills that are mailed can also easily (and less costly) be sent electronically. With less mail and […]

Benefits Offered by Online Payment and Recurring Customer Billing

Like other businesses, your revenue may depend on payments from customers that are scheduled on a monthly, quarterly or semi-annually basis. Nowadays, more businesses are offering recurring billing options for their goods and services, which makes it more convenient for both the customers and the business. Most businesses, together with other establishments  – such as […]